FSG Sympathy Book
Teleflora Floral Selection Guide Sympathy Book
Forever In Our Hearts Cremation Tribute T280-1A
roses, 50cm, red myrtle ivy, green
| sympathy for the service
Teleflora’s Bold Tribute
roses, 50cm, red alstroemeria, red carnations, peach carnations, miniature, red stock, peach
Bouquet T279-2B
roses, spray, red
Divine Grace 50-Bead Rosary T260-3A
sympathy for the service |
roses, 60cm, red
Teleflora’s Greatest Love Collection T280-3A
Teleflora’s Rose Tribute
Bouquet T224-1B
roses, 50cm, red
Forever Beloved Bouquet T255-4B
roses, 60cm, red
Greatest Love Casket Spray T223-1A
Deep In Our Hearts Spray T270-1A
roses, 50cm, red gladioli, red carnations, red carnations, miniature, red
Majestic Heart T225-1A
roses, 50cm, red carnations, red
Forever Our Angel Bouquet by Teleflora T280-2B
roses, 50cm, red roses, spray, red
sympathy for the service |
hydrangea, miniature, green roses, spray, pink lilies, asiatic, pink alstroemeria, pink gladioli, pink
carnations, pink carnations, green bupleurum
Sacred Solace Cremation Tribute T280-4A
| sympathy for the service
roses, 50cm, lavender roses, spray, pink lilies, asiatic, pink carnations, lavender larkspur, pink queen anne's lace
Teleflora’s Soft Blush Bouquet T279-3B
roses, 50cm, light pink tulips, light pink lilies, asiatic, white carnations, light pink carnations, white snapdragons, white stock, light pink Teleflora’s Garden Of Hope
Bouquet T601-6B
sympathy for the service |
hydrangea, pink roses, 50cm, light pink roses, spray, light pink lilies, oriental, pink carnations, pink carnations, miniature, light pink larkspur, pink snapdragons, pink stock, pink
Teleflora’s Beautiful Memories Collection T281-1A
Glorious Farewell Spray T280-7A
hydrangea, pink roses, 50cm, pink roses, spray, pink lilies, stargazer, pink carnations, pink larkspur, pink snapdragons, pink stock, pink
Beautiful Memories Casket Spray T280-6A
orchids, dendrobium, white roses, spray, pink
Teleflora’s Soft And Tender
Divine Serenity Casket Insert T280-5A
roses, 50cm, pink lilies, asiatic, pink alstroemeria, pink
Bouquet T278-6B
Rose Garden Heart T238-2A
hydrangea, pink roses, 50cm, light pink roses, spray, pink carnations, miniature, light pink chrysanthem ums, button spray, lavender
Teleflora’s Heartfelt Farewell
Bouquet T280-8B
Teleflora’s Graceful Glory
hydrangea, light pink roses, 50cm, pink roses, spray, light pink lilies, asiatic, light pink lisianthus, pink larkspur, pink snapdragons, light pink queen anne's lace
roses, 50cm, pink roses, spray, pink lilies, asiatic, pink carnations, pink larkspur, pink
Bouquet T280-9B
sympathy for the service |
roses, 50cm, white calla lilies, large, white
Stately Lilies Cremation Tribute T217-1A
| sympathy for the service
roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white
Teleflora’s Wondrous Life
Bouquet T278-5B
Teleflora’s Garden Of Serenity
Bouquet T229-1B
roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white lilies, asiatic, white snapdragons, white stock, white freesia, white
sympathy for the service |
Teleflora’s Grandest Glory Collection T281-5A
Dreams From The Heart Bouquet T208-1B
hydrangea, white roses, 50cm, white lilies, oriental, white gladioli, white stock, white
hydrangea, white orchids, cymbidium, white orchids, dendrobium, white
roses, 50cm, white lilies, asiatic, white carnations, white chrysanthemums, cushion spray, white
roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white lilies, oriental, white
Heartfelt Sympathy Spray T281-3A
Serenity Wreath T239-3A
Grandest Glory Casket Spray T281-2A
hydrangea, white roses, 50cm, crème roses, spray, white lilies, oriental, white stock, white
Teleflora’s Divine Peace
Bouquet T229-2B
roses, 50cm, white alstroemeria, white carnations, miniature, white stock, white chrysanthemums, cushion spray, white waxflower, white
Teleflora’s True Horizon
Bouquet T281-4B
hydrangea, white roses, 50cm, white lilies, oriental, white snapdragons, white stock, white
sympathy for the service |
Meadows Of Memories Cremation Tribute T250-1A
orchids, cymbidium, green roses, 50cm, lavender carnations, lavender larkspur, lavender larkspur, purple asters, monte cassino, large, lavender chrysanthemums, spider, green english boxwood
| sympathy for the service
roses, 50cm, lavender gladioli, white larkspur, lavender stock, lavender asters, matsumoto, purple heather, pink
Teleflora’s Joyful Memory
Bouquet T251-1B
roses, 50cm, lavender lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white stock, purple statice, seafoam, purple Teleflora’s Grace And Majesty Bouquet T11E405B
sympathy for the service |
Teleflora’s Lavender Tribute Collection T281-7A
roses, 50cm, lavender roses, 50cm, pink carnations, lavender
Gracious Lavender Basket T235-1B
carnations, purple larkspur, lavender snapdragons, light pink asters, matsumoto, lavender
roses, 50cm, lavender roses, 50cm, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, purple larkspur, purple snapdragons, pink stock, lavender chrysanthemums, cushion spray, lavender
Lavender Reflections Spray T273-6A
asters, monte cassino, large, lavender chrysanthemums, daisy spray, lavender
Lavender Tribute Casket Spray T235-2A
Deepest Faith Cross T238-1A
roses, 50cm, lavender carnations, lavender carnations, purple carnations, fuchsia chrysanthemums, cushion spray, lavender chrysanthemums, button spray, purple
roses, 50cm, lavender alstroemeria, lavender gladioli, lavender stock, lavender chrysanthemums, cushion spray, purple statice, sinuata, purple
Teleflora’s Beautiful Heart
Magnificent Mauves Bouquet T281-6B
Bouquet T274-3B
hydrangea, purple roses, 50cm, lavender roses, spray, crème gerberas, pink carnations, lavender stock, purple chrysanthemums, cushion spray, lavender statice, sinuata, lavender
roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple stock, lavender
sympathy for the service |
hydrangea, blue orchids, dendrobium, white roses, 50cm, red lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, red carnations, red delphinium, blue snapdragons, white Reflections Of Honor Cremation Tribute T281-8A
| sympathy for the service
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, red roses, spray, red roses, spray, white carnations, white delphinium, blue snapdragons, white eryngium, blue
Always With Us Photo Tribute
Bouquet T282-1B
Loving Legacy Casket Insert T281-9A
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, red roses, spray, red roses, spray, white chrysanthemums, button spray, white waxflower, white
sympathy for the service |
Teleflora’s Distinguished Service Collection T282-3A
Colorful Tribute Bouquet T282-2B
lilies, asiatic, white carnations, red carnations, miniature, red delphinium, light blue snapdragons, white statice, sinuata, lavender
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, red lilies, oriental, white gladioli, white delphinium, light blue
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, red lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, red carnations, white delphinium, blue snapdragons, white huckleberry
Sacred Duty Spray T240-2A
Distinguished Service Casket Spray T240-3A
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, red roses, spray, red roses, spray, white carnations, white delphinium, blue snapdragons, white eryngium, blue
Always With Us Photo Tribute
Bouquet T282-1B
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, red roses, spray, red roses, spray, white chrysanthemums, button spray, white waxflower, white
Loving Legacy Casket Insert T281-9A
Reflections Of Glory Wreath T241-1A
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, red roses, spray, red gladioli, red delphinium, light blue chrysanthemums, cushion spray, white
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, red carnations, miniature, red delphinium, light blue snapdragons, white stock, white chrysanthemums, disbud, white chrysanthemums, daisy spray, white statice, sinuata, lavender
With Distinction Bouquet T240-1B
sympathy for the service |
hydrangea, green roses, 50cm, yellow
roses, spray, hot pink lilies, asiatic, orange sunflowers, medium, yellow bells of ireland delphinium, blue snapdragons, orange stock, purple With All Our Hearts Cremation Tribute T282-4A
| sympathy for the service
roses, 50cm, orange alstroemeria, pink carnations, hot pink sunflowers, medium, yellow larkspur, purple snapdragons, hot pink stock, purple
Teleflora’s Hues Of Hope
Bouquet T279-1B
roses, 50cm, green roses, spray, orange lilies, asiatic, yellow delphinium, blue snapdragons, orange asters, matsumoto, hot pink chrysanthemums, button spray, lavender myrtle Loving Farewell Photo Tribute
Bouquet T282-8B
sympathy for the service |
Teleflora’s Colorful Reflections Collection T283-1A
hydrangea, green roses, 50cm, orange roses, spray, yellow lilies, asiatic, orange gladioli, red sunflowers, large, yellow dianthus, green trick delphinium, blue snapdragons, orange stock, light yellow asters, matsumoto, purple chrysanthemums, button spray, yellow eryngium, blue bupleurum
Colors Of The Rainbow Bouquet T282-9B
roses, 50cm, green roses, spray, orange lilies, asiatic, yellow delphinium, blue snapdragons, orange asters, matsumoto, hot pink chrysanthemums, button spray, lavender myrtle
hydrangea, purple roses, 50cm, pink roses, spray, yellow lilies, asiatic, orange alstroemeria, purple delphinium, blue snapdragons, pink eryngium, blue huckleberry
Colorful Reflections Casket Spray T282-5A
Loving Farewell Photo Tribute
Bouquet T282-8B
Love Lives On Spray T282-6A
roses, 50cm, hot pink roses, 50cm, yellow roses, spray, orange lilies, asiatic, pink gladioli, green carnations, green sunflowers, medium, yellow delphinium, blue bupleurum
hydrangea, green roses, spray, hot pink lilies, asiatic, orange
Teleflora’s Hues Of Hope
carnations, orange delphinium, blue stock, purple chrysanthemums, cushion spray, yellow huckleberry
Bouquet T279-1B
Colorful Serenity Wreath T282-7A
roses, 50cm, orange alstroemeria, pink carnations, hot pink sunflowers, medium, yellow larkspur, purple snapdragons, hot pink stock, purple
sympathy for the service |
hydrangea, white lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white carnations, miniature, white stock, white
Teleflora’s Purest Love Bouquet TEV30-2B
| sympathy for the service
Teleflora’s Shining On Bouquet T601-2B
hydrangea, white roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white carnations, green chrysanthemums, button spray, green
roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white alstroemeria, white gladioli, green carnations, green chrysanthemums, button spray, green chrysanthemums, cushion spray, white
Teleflora’s Hearts In Heaven
Bouquet T278-4B
sympathy for the service |
Teleflora’s Tranquil Peace Collection T283-5A
Botanical Beauty Bouquet T283-4B
hydrangea, white roses, 50cm, green lilies, asiatic, white dianthus, green trick bells of ireland chrysanthemums, button spray, green
orchids, cymbidium, green roses, spray, white carnations, green
chrysanthemums, daisy spray, white chrysanthemums, cushion spray, white chrysanthemums, button spray, green
waxflower, white hypericum, yellow
Garden Cross T269-2A
Garden Wreath Photo Tribute
Bouquet T255-1B
hydrangea, green dianthus, green trick pittosporum, variegated israeli ruscus
hydrangea, miniature, green orchids, cymbidium, green
roses, 50cm, green carnations, green dianthus, green trick bells of ireland chrysanthemums, disbud, white chrysanthemums, button spray, green hypericum, green equisetum
Tranquil Peace Cremation Tribute T283-2A
hydrangea, miniature, green roses, 50cm, green dianthus, green trick bells of ireland bupleurum myrtle Forever At Peace Spray T283-3A
Teleflora’s Clouds Of Heaven
Bouquet T279-4B
roses, 50cm, white lilies, asiatic, white gladioli, green carnations, white bells of ireland snapdragons, white stock, white myrtle
sympathy for the service |
Teleflora’s Tender Remembrance Collection T283-9A
Treasured And Beloved Bouquet T283-8B
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white alstroemeria, white lisianthus, white delphinium, blue larkspur, white stock, white waxflower, white
Tender Remembrance Casket Spray T283-6A
hydrangea, light blue roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white lisianthus, white delphinium, light blue snapdragons, white stock, white waxflower, white
Pure Heart T283-7A
hydrangea, blue roses, spray, white
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white delphinium, light blue
Teleflora’s Skies Of Remembrance
Bouquet T278-1B
| sympathy for the service
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white bells of ireland delphinium, blue snapdragons, white myrtle Teleflora’s Eternal Grace Spray T284-1A
sympathy for the service |
hydrangea, miniature, green roses, spray, pink lilies, asiatic, pink alstroemeria, pink gladioli, pink
carnations, pink carnations, green bupleurum
roses, 50cm, red myrtle
Sacred Solace Cremation Tribute T280-4A
Forever In Our Hearts Cremation Tribute T280-1A
roses, 50cm, hot pink lilies, asiatic, pink gladioli, pink carnations, hot pink larkspur, pink
roses, 50cm, white callas, large, white
Adoring Heart Cremation Tribute T273-9A
Stately Lilies Cremation Tribute T217-1A
| sympathy for the service
hydrangea, blue orchids, dendrobium, white roses, 50cm, red lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, red carnations, red delphinium, blue snapdragons, white dusty miller myrtle huckleberry
orchids, cymbidium, green roses, 50cm, lavender carnations, lavender larkspur, lavender larkspur, purple asters, monte cassino, large, lavender chrysanthemums, spider, green english boxwood
Meadows Of Memories Cremation Tribute T250-1A
Reflections Of Honor Cremation Tribute T281-8A
hydrangea, green roses, 50cm, yellow
hydrangea, miniature, green orchids, cymbidium, green roses, 50cm, green carnations, green dianthus, green trick bells of ireland chrysanthemums, disbud, white chrysanthemums, button spray, green hypericum, green equisetum
roses, spray, hot pink lilies, asiatic, orange sunflowers, medium, yellow bells of ireland delphinium, blue snapdragons, orange stock, purple
With All Our Hearts Cremation Tribute T282-4A
Tranquil Peace Cremation Tribute T283-2A
sympathy for the service |
roses, spray, red
orchids, dendrobium, white roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white
Divine Grace 50-Bead Rosary T260-3A
Moonlit Walk Casket Insert T263-3A
carnation, white larkspur, white
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, red roses, spray, red roses, spray, white chrysanthemums, button spray, white waxflower, white
Divine Serenity Casket Insert T280-5A
Loving Legacy Casket Insert T281-9A
orchids, dendrobium, white roses, spray, pink
| sympathy for the service
roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white alstroemeria, white gladioli, green carnations, green
chrysanthemums, button spray, green chrysanthemums, cushion spray, white
roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white lilies, asiatic, white snapdragons, white stock, white freesia, white myrtle
Teleflora’s Hearts In Heaven
Teleflora’s Garden Of Serenity
Bouquet T278-4B
Bouquet T229-1B
hydrangea, green roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white
roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple stock, lavender
Teleflora’s Beautiful Heart
Life’s Glory Bouquet by Teleflora T284-2B
Bouquet T274-3B
sympathy for the service |
hydrangea, pink roses, 50cm, light pink roses, spray, light pink lilies, oriental, pink carnations, pink carnations, miniature, light pink larkspur, pink snapdragons, pink stock, pink
roses, 50cm, red gladioli, red carnations, red carnations, miniature, red
Deep In Our Hearts Spray T270-1A
Glorious Farewell Spray T280-7A
hydrangea, lavender orchids, dendrobium, purple
hydrangea, white roses, 50cm, white lilies, oriental, white gladioli, white stock, white
roses, 50cm, lavender lilies, oriental, white gladioli, lavender stock, purple
Heartfelt Sympathy Spray T281-3A
Sacred Garden Spray T249-4A
| sympathy for the service
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white bells of ireland delphinium, blue snapdragons, white myrtle
lilies, asiatic, white carnations, red carnations, miniature, red delphinium, light blue snapdragons, white statice, sinuata, lavender Sacred Duty Spray T240-2A
Teleflora’s Eternal Grace Spray T284-1A
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white lilies, asiatic, white delphinium, light blue delphinium, blue
roses, 50cm, green roses, spray, pink lilies, oriental, light pink gladioli, yellow carnations, hot pink snapdragons, light pink chrysanthemums, button spray, yellow
Ocean Breeze Spray T246-2A
Rays Of Light Spray T246-4A
sympathy for the service |
spathiphyllum, green, 6" pot
Teleflora’s Lovely One Spathiphyllum Plant T272-1A
Teleflora’s Rose Tribute
roses, 60cm, red
Bouquet T224-1B
hydrangea, light pink roses, 50cm, pink roses, spray, light pink lilies, asiatic, light pink lisianthus, pink larkspur, pink snapdragons, light pink queen anne's lace
Teleflora’s Graceful Glory
Teleflora’s True Horizon
hydrangea, white roses, 50cm, white lilies, oriental, white snapdragons, white stock, white
Bouquet T280-9B
Bouquet T281-4B
| sympathy for the service
roses, 50cm, white lilies, asiatic, white gladioli, green carnations, white bells of ireland snapdragons, white stock, white myrtle
roses, 50cm, lavender roses, spray, pink lilies, asiatic, pink carnations, lavender larkspur, pink queen anne's lace
Teleflora’s Clouds Of Heaven
Teleflora’s Soft Blush Bouquet T279-3B
Bouquet T279-4B
roses, 50cm, orange alstroemeria, pink carnations, hot pink sunflowers, medium, yellow larkspur, purple snapdragons, hot pink stock, purple myrtle
roses, 50cm, red alstroemeria, red carnations, peach carnations, miniature, red stock, peach
Teleflora’s Hues Of Hope
Teleflora’s Bold Tribute
Bouquet T279-1B
Bouquet T279-2B
sympathy for the service |
orchid, cymbidium, orange, 8" pot
Teleflora’s Regally Yours Orchid TPL04-1A
| sympathy for the service
for thehome
orchids, phalaenopsis, white, 6" pot
bromeliad, red, 6" pot
Teleflora’s Opulent Orchids T98-2A
Teleflora’s Bromeliad Beauty T100-1A
dracaena, compacta, 4" pot dracaena, compacta, variegated green, 4" pot
maidenhair fern, 4" pot pothos, variegated, 4" pot
Forever Green Plant Garden TPL03-1A
| sympathy for the home
orchid, phalaenopsis, purple, 6" pot
Glorious Gratitude Orchid TPL05-1A
sympathy for the home |
hydrangea, white roses, 50cm, crème roses, spray, white lilies, oriental, white stock, white
Dreams From The Heart Bouquet T208-1B
| sympathy for the home
roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white stock, white
Teleflora’s Isle Of White Bouquet T55-3B
hydrangea, white roses, 50cm, white lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white stock, white chrysanthemums, cushion spray, white
Teleflora’s Shining Spirit
Bouquet T277-1B
sympathy for the home |
hydrangea, white lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white carnations, miniature, white stock, white
Teleflora’s Purest Love Bouquet TEV30-2B
Teleflora’s Shining On Bouquet T601-2B
hydrangea, white roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white carnations, green chrysanthemums, button spray, green
| sympathy for the home
roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white
Teleflora’s Wondrous Life
Bouquet T278-5B
sympathy for the home |
Magnificent Mauves Bouquet T281-6B
hydrangea, purple roses, 50cm, lavender roses, spray, crème gerberas, pink carnations, lavender stock, purple chrysanthemums, cushion spray, lavender statice, sinuata, lavender
| sympathy for the home
Anything For You Bouquet by Teleflora T67-1B
Teleflora’s Heavenly And Harmony Bouquet T55-1B
roses, 50cm, peach roses, spray, peach alstroemeria, white carnations, green hypericum, peach bupleurum
roses, 50cm, light pink lilies, asiatic, white queen anne's lace
roses, 50cm, pink lilies, asiatic, pink alstroemeria, pink
Teleflora’s Soft And Tender
Bouquet T278-6B
sympathy for the home |
Teleflora’s Portrait In Purple
Bouquet T601-3B
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, crème roses, spray, white alstroemeria, purple stock, purple
| sympathy for the home
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white chrysanthemum, disbud, white chrysanthemums, daisy spray, white statice, sinuata, purple limonium, lavender
Teleflora’s Sapphire Skies Bouquet TEV25-3B
Beautiful In Blue Bouquet T209-3B
roses, 50cm, crème roses, spray, crème lilies, asiatic, white carnations, miniature, white statice, sinuata, purple
hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white delphinium, light blue
Teleflora’s Skies Of Remembrance
Bouquet T278-1B
sympathy for the home |
hydrangea, blue lilies, oriental, pink snapdragons, yellow stock, purple solidago
Love Everlasting Bouquet T267-1B
Teleflora’s Bright Life Bouquet T278-2B
roses, 50cm, hot pink lilies, asiatic, pink alstroemeria, yellow stock, lavender chrysanthemums, daisy spray, lavender
roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white lisianthus, white delphinium, light blue larkspur, white chrysanthemums, cushion spray, green bupleurum
Nature’s Best Bouquet by Teleflora TSU01-1B
| sympathy for the home
hydrangea, purple roses, 50cm, pink roses, spray, yellow lilies, asiatic, orange alstroemeria, purple delphinium, blue snapdragons, pink eryngium, blue huckleberry
Colors Of The Rainbow Bouquet T282-9B
sympathy for the home |
roses, 50cm, lavender gladioli, white larkspur, lavender stock, lavender asters, matsumoto, purple heather, pink
Teleflora’s Joyful Memory
Bouquet T251-1B
| sympathy for the home
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