FSG Counter Book

sunflowers , medium, yellow

roses, 50cm, yellow chrysanthemums, button spray, green chrysanthemums, daisy spray, white chrysanthemums, daisy spray, yellow

Teleflora’s Daisies And Dots Bouquet TEV56-1B

Teleflora’s Sunny Day Pitcher Of Sunflowers T153-1B

Teleflora’s Be Happy ® Bouquet T43-1B

roses, 50cm, yellow chrysanthemu ms, daisy spray, white chrysanthemu ms, daisy spray, yellow


anytime |

roses, 50cm, hot pink roses, spray, orange lilies, asiatic, orange carnations, hot pink carnations, miniature, red snapdragons, orange heather, pink sword fern huckleberry

roses, 50cm, orange carnations, purple carnations, miniature, orange stock, lavender asters, matsumoto, hot pink

Teleflora’s Bold Beauty

Punch Of Color Bouquet TEV56-2B

Bouquet T602-3B

hydrangea, green hydrangea, pink orchids, cymbidium, green

New Sensations Bouquet T82-3B

roses, 50cm, hot pink roses, 50cm, lavender tulips, pink viburnum, green ti leaves, green


| anytime

hydrangea, green roses, 50cm, hot pink

roses, spray, pink lilies, asiatic, peach alstroemeria, pink carnations, green carnations, miniature, pink

Blush Life Bouquet TEV56-3B


anytime |

roses, 50cm, lavender lilies, asiatic, white carnations, purple carnations, lavender chrysanthemums, button spray, purple chrysanthemums, button spray, lavender limonium, lavender

Teleflora’s Pleasing Purple Bouquet TEV45-1B


| anytime

roses, 50cm, yellow lilies, asiatic, white carnations, white chrysanthemums, button spray, yellow

roses, 50cm, yellow lilies, asiatic, yellow carnations, green chrysanthemums, button spray, yellow

Teleflora’s Golden Laughter Bouquet TEV46-1B

Teleflora’s Sunny Mood Bouquet TEV43-2B

Teleflora’s In Love With Lime Bouquet TEV44-1B

roses, 50cm, dark pink lilies, asiatic, pink carnations, miniature, pink bells of ireland chrysanthemums, button spray, green

roses, 50cm, dark pink lilies, asiatic, peach alstroemeria, peach carnations, pink carnations, miniature, dark pink statice, sinuata, raspberry

roses, 50cm, orange carnations, green carnations, miniature, dark pink chrysanthemums, button spray, yellow

Teleflora’s Citrus Smiles Bouquet TEV43-3B

Teleflora’s Pop Of Fun Bouquet TEV45-3B


anytime |

Ford Motor Company Trademarks and Trade Dress used under license to Teleflora.

roses, 50cm, red alstroemeria, red chrysanthemums, button spray, green chrysanthemums, daisy spray, viking, yellow aralia leaf

Glory Days Ford Pickup Bouquet by Teleflora T16F105B


| anytime

General Motors Trademarks used under license to Teleflora.


roses, spray,yellow chrysanthemums,buttonspray,green

leucadendron, red hypericum,yellow eryngium,blue israeliruscus

Timeless Chevy Pickup Bouquet by Teleflora T18F105B


anytime |

Flourishing Beauty Bouquet TEV56-4B

roses, 50cm, white lilies, asiatic, white carnations, green chrysanthemums, cushion spray, green amaranthus, hanging, green


| anytime

roses,50cm,hot pinkroses,spray, pink lilies,oriental, pinkalstroemeria, purplecarnations, purplestock, light pinksnapdragons, pink

roses, 50cm, hot pink roses, spray, pink alstroemeria, white carnations, miniature, pink snapdragons, pink chrysanthemums, button spray, green

Teleflora’s Morning Meadow

Teleflora’s Garden Girl Bouquet T600-5B

Bouquet T600-7B

roses, 50cm, lavender lilies, asiatic, white stock, lavender

Kissed With Bliss Bouquet by Teleflora TEV24-1B

Teleflora’s Enchanted Cottage Bouquet T50-1B

roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white stock, lavender waxflower, lavender

asters, monte cassino, small, lavender chrysanthemums, button spray, green


anytime |

Teleflora’s Be Sweet Bouquet T404-1B

hydrangea, pink roses, 50cm, lavender alstroemeria, pink

roses, 50cm, pink lilies, asiatic, pink stock, fuchsia chrysanthem ums, daisy spray, white statice, sinuata, raspberry

Teleflora’s Playful Daisy Bouquet TEV56-5B

roses, spray, hot pink gerberas, hot pink alstroemeria, light pink carnations, miniature, light pink sweet william, dark pink snapdragons, light pink asters, matsumoto, purple asters, monte cassino, large, purple statice, sinuata, purple

Country Basket Blooms T48-3B


| anytime

hydrangea,darkpink orchids,cymbidium,pink roses,50cm,crème roses,50cm,hotpink roses,spray,pink lilies,asiatic,white alstroemeria,lightpink dianthus,greentrick hypericum,peach

Teleflora’s Grand Beauty Bouquet TEV56-6B


anytime |

Cascading Elegance Bouquet TEV56-7B

hydrangea, dark pink hydrangea, lavender roses, 50cm, lavender roses, 50 cm, light lavender

roses, 50cm, red roses, spray, red carnations, purple

chrysanthemums, button spray, purple chrysanthemums, cushion spray, purple amaranthus, hanging, green


| anytime

roses, 50cm, lavender alstroemeria, purple stock, light pink chrysanthemums, button spray, green

roses,50cm,red roses,50cm,dark pinkalstroemeria, purplecarnations, hotpink

Teleflora’s Take My Hand

Teleflora’s Sweet Sachet

Bouquet T600-6B

Bouquet T600-9B

Simply Splendid Bouquet TEV42-2B

hydrangea,miniature,green roses,50cm,lavender

roses,50cm,yellow alstroemeria,purple carnations,darkpurple chrysanthemums,buttonspray,green


anytime |

hydrangea, light blue roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white chrysanthemum, disbud, white chrysanthemum s, daisy spray, white statice, sinuata, purple

roses, 50cm, crème roses, spray, crème lilies, asiatic, white carnations, miniature, white statice, sinuata, purple

Teleflora’s Sapphire Skies Bouquet TEV25-3B

Beautiful In Blue Bouquet T209-3B

hydrangea, purple hydrangea, miniature, green

roses, 50cm, green roses, 50cm, peach roses, spray, peach lilies, asiatic, white

Intoxicating Beauty Bouquet TEV56-8B


| anytime

Exquisite Elegance Bouquet TEV56-9B

hydrangea, purple orchids, phalaenopsis spray, lavender roses, 50cm, lavender amaranthus, hanging, green


anytime |

hydrangea,blue roses,50cm,lavender lilies,asiatic,white delphinium,lightblue stock,lightpink chrysanthemums,cushionspray,lavender limonium,mistyblue

Teleflora’s Heart’s Pirouette Bouquet TEV55-1B


| anytime

roses, 50cm, hot pink lilies, asiatic, pink alstroemeria, yellow stock, lavender chrysanthemums, daisy spray, lavender

hydrangea, white roses, 50cm, white lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white stock, white chrysanthemums, cushion spray, white

Teleflora’s Shining Spirit

Teleflora’s Bright Life Bouquet T278-2B

Bouquet T277-1B

hydrangea, blue roses, 50cm, crème lilies, asiatic, white alstroemeria, white delphinium, light blue

Teleflora’s Skies Of Remembrance

Bouquet T278-1B


anytime |

roses,50cm,lightorangeroses,spray, pink lilies,asiatic,whitegerberas,lightorange carnations,miniature,yelow

Teleflora’s Precious Petals Bouquet TEV57-1B


| anytime

Teleflora’s Garden Of Serenity

Bouquet T229-1B

roses, 50cm, white roses, spray, white lilies, asiatic, white snapdragons, white stock, white freesia, white

Teleflora’s Beautiful Heart

Bouquet T274-3B

roses,50cm,crèmelilies,asiatic,white alstroemeria,lavendercarnations,purple stock,lavender

Teleflora’s Divine Peace

Bouquet T229-2B

roses, 50cm, white alstroemeria, white carnations, miniature, white stock, white chrysanthemums, cushion spray, white waxflower, white


anytime |

roses, 50cm, hot pink roses, spray, peach lilies, asiatic, pink gerberas, pink

alstroemeria, dark pink

Teleflora’s Painterly Pink

Bouquet T600-8B


| get well

© 2018 & Trademarks Licensed by Campbell Soup Company. All Rights Reserved.

gerberas, miniature, yellow , carnations, red carnations, miniature, red asters, monte cassino, small, white

s, medium ria, yellow Teleflora’s Bee Well Bouquet T01J400B

Campbell’s ® Healthy Wishes Bouquet by Teleflora TEV51-1B

chrysanthemums, daisy spray, white chrysanthemums, button spray, yellow

roses, spray, orange alstroemeria, red sunflowers, miniature, yellow sweet william, dark pink asters, matsumoto, lavender chrysanthemums, button spray, green chrysanthemums, daisy spray, white statice, sinuata, purple

Teleflora’s Garden Of Wellness Bouquet TEV53-1B


get well |

Get Better Bouquet by Teleflora TEV52-3B

roses, 50cm, orange alstroemeria, orange carnations, red asters, matsumoto, lavender chrysanthemums, daisy spray, yellow solidago


| get well

Teleflora’s Ocean Sparkle Bouquet TEV57-2B


anytime |

Teleflora’s Seaside Roses Bouquet TEV57-3B

Teleflora’s Calming Cobalt Bouquet TEV57-4B

Teleflora’s Sunflower Beauty Bouquet TEV57-5B


| anytime

Teleflora’s Standout Chic Bouquet TEV57-6B


anytime |

Teleflora’s Dutch Garden Bouquet TEV57-8B

Teleflora’s Flying Colors Bouquet TEV57-7B

Teleflora’s Amethyst Jewel Bouquet TEV57-9B


| anytime

Teleflora’s Washed In Pink Bouquet TEV58-1B


anytime |

Teleflora’s Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet TEV58-2B


| anytime

4 each roses, 50cm, peach 2 stems roses, spray, pink 2 stems alstroemeria, white 2 stems carnations, miniature, peach

1 stem statice, sinuata, blue 1/2 stem waxflower, pink

1/2 stem huckleberry 1/2 stem pitta negra 1/3 block floral foam 1 charmed unicorn keepsake, teleflora, 20N300, (5 1/4" h x 8" l x 3 1/4" w; 3" x 2 1/2" opening)

Teleflora’s Magical Garden Unicorn Bouquet TEV58-4B


anytime |

3 each roses, 50cm, hot pink 3 each gerberas, peach 4 each carnations, hot pink 2 stems chrysanthemums, cushion spray, green 1 stem chrysanthemums,

cushion spray, purple 1/2 stem huckleberry 1/3 block floral foam

Teleflora’s Artistic Angles Bouquet TEV58-5B

Teleflora’s Mid Mod Brights Bouquet TEV58-7B

1 mid mod geometric planter, teleflora, 20N400, (6 1/2" h x 6 1/4" w (includes stand); 4 1/4" openi)

1 blossom orchid, cymbidium, green 3 each chrysanthemums, spider, green 1 stem chrysanthemums, button spray, green 1 stem statice, sinuata, white 1 stem eryngium, blue 3 stems sword fern 1 stem pittosporum, variegated 2 each galax leaves 1/3 block floral foam 1 mid mod geometric planter, teleflora, 20N400, (6 1/2" h x 6 1/4" w (includes stand); 4 1/4" openi)

Teleflora’s Style Statement Bouquet TEV58-6B


| anytime

3 each roses, 50cm, red 2 stems lisianthus, pink 3 each carnations, fuchsia 2 stems chrysanthemums, daisy spray, white

6 each roses, 50cm, yellow 2 stems alstroemeria, yellow 2 stems carnations, miniature, pink

1/2 stem limonium, pink 2 stems alstroemeria, red 1 stem bupleurum 1 stem leatherleaf fern 1 stem parvifolia eucalyptus

2 stems asters, matsumoto, pink 1 stem statice, sinuata, raspberry 1/2 stem pittosporum, variegated 1 stem leatherleaf fern 1/2 stem parvifolia eucalyptus 1 serendipity glass vase, yellow, teleflora, 21R130, (7 1/8" h x 4 3/4" w)

1 serendipity glass vase, red, teleflora, 21R230, (7 1/8" h x 4¾" w; 4¼" opening)

Teleflora’s Happy As Can Be Bouquet TEV61-2B

Teleflora’s Kissed With Crimson Bouquet TEV61-3B

5 each roses, 50cm, pink 2 stems alstroemeria, pink 2 stems chrysanthemums, button spray, purple 3 each carnations, hot pink

2 stems carnations, miniature, pink 1/2 stem statice, sinuata, lavender 1 stem dusty miller 1/2 stem silver dollar eucalyptus 1 serendipity glass vase, pink, teleflora, 21R110, (7 1/8" h x 4 3/4" w)

Teleflora’s Cotswald Garden Bouquet TEV61-4B


| anytime

1 stem lilies, asiatic, pink 2 each roses, 50cm, light yellow 3 each carnations, hot pink 1 stem carnations, miniature, yellow 2 each stock, lavender 1 stem waxflower, lavender 1/2 stem huckleberry 1/2 each grevillea 1 savannah jar, pink, teleflora, 21R320, (6" h x 4 7/8" w; 3¼" opening)

Teleflora’s Cheerful Gift Bouquet TEV60-5B


anytime |

6 each roses, 50cm, red 1 stem lilies, asiatic, white 1 stem alstroemeria, red 3 stems chrysanthemums, button spray, white

1 stem statice, sinuata, purple 1/2 stem limonium, misty blue 1 stem dusty miller 1/2 stem huckleberry 1 savannah jar, blue, teleflora, 21R300, (6" h x 4 7/8" w; 3¼" opening)

Teleflora’s Rose Revelry Bouquet TEV60-9B


| anytime

3 each roses, 50cm, yellow 1 stem hydrangea, green 1 stem chrysanthemums, daisy spray, yellow 2 stems alstroemeria, white 2 stems carnations, miniature, light yellow 1/2 stem statice, sinuata, purple 1/2 stem spiral eucalyptus 1/2 stem parvifolia eucalyptus

5 each roses, 50cm, lavender 1 stem asters, monte cassino, large, purple 1 stem hydrangea, miniature, green 2 stems chrysanthemums, button spray, purple 2 each carnations, green 1 stem carnations, miniature, pink 1/2 stem parvifolia eucalyptus 2 stems ivy, green 1 stem huckleberry 1 savannah jar, purple, teleflora, 21R310, (6" h x 4 7/8" w; 3¼" opening)

1/2 stem lemon leaf 1/2 stem dusty miller 1 savannah jar, blue, teleflora, 21R300, (6" h x 4 7/8" w; 3¼" opening)

Teleflora’s Sunrise At Sea Bouquet TEV61-1B

Teleflora’s Amethyst A e Bouquet TEV60-7B

Teleflora’s Sweet Savannah Bouquet TEV60-3B

5 each roses, 50cm, pink 2 stems alstroemeria, pink 3 each carnations, hot pink 2 stems carnations, miniature, pink 2 stems chrysanthemums, cushion spray, purple

1/2 stem statice, sinuata, purple 1/2 stem parvifolia eucalyptus 1 stem lemon leaf 1 savannah jar, pink, teleflora, 21R320, (6" h x 4 7/8" w; 3¼" opening)


anytime |

1 stem lilies, asiatic, pink 5 each roses, 50cm, hot pink 2 each carnations, green 2 stems carnations, miniature, pink 2 stems chrysanthemums, button spray, green 1/2 stem bupleurum 1 stem dusty miller 1/2 stem huckleberry 1 savannah jar, pink, teleflora, 21R320, (6" h x 4 7/8" w; 3¼" opening)

Teleflora’s Savannah Blush Bouquet TEV60-6B

4 each roses, 50cm, red 3 stems alstroemeria, dark pink 3 stems carnations, miniature, hot pink 3 each gerberas, miniature, red 1 stem pitta negra 1/2 stem seeded eucalyptus 1/2 stem lemon leaf 1 savannah jar, red, teleflora, 21R330, (6" h x 4 7/8" w; 3¼" opening)

Teleflora’s Enchanted Red Bouquet TEV60-4B

5 each roses, 50cm, hot pink 2 stems alstroemeria, pink 2 stems carnations, miniature, hot pink

2 stems chrysanthemums, daisy spray, purple 1 stem asters, monte cassino, large, purple 1 stem leatherleaf fern 1 stem lemon leaf 1/2 stem huckleberry 1 savannah jar, purple, teleflora, 21R310, (6" h x 4 7/8" w; 3¼" opening)

Teleflora’s You’re Brilliant Bouquet TEV60-8B


| anytime

3 each roses, 50cm, yellow 4 stems chrysanthemums, daisy spray, white 3 stems chrysanthemums, daisy spray, yellow 2 stems pitta negra 1 serendipity glass vase, yellow, teleflora, 21R130, (7 1/8" h x 4 3/4" w)

Teleflora’s Upsy Daisy Bouquet TEV13-4B


anytime |

5 each roses, 50cm, light yellow 3 each gerberas, yellow 1 stem eryngium, blue 2 stems carnations, miniature, yellow 1 stem solidago 1/2 stem spiral eucalyptus 1 stem lemon leaf 1 serendipity glass vase, blue, teleflora, 21R210, (7 1/8" h x 4¾" w x 4¼" opening)

2 each roses, 50cm, orange 1 stem lilies, asiatic, pink 2 each carnations, orange 2 stems carnations, miniature, hot pink 2 stems chrysanthemums, button spray, green 1 stem alstroemeria, pink 1/2 stem statice, sinuata, raspberry 1/2 stem seeded eucalyptus 1 stem lemon leaf 1 serendipity glass vase, orange, teleflora, 21R220, (7 1/8" h x 4¾" w; 4¼" opening)

Teleflora’s Happy Go Citrus Bouquet TEV62-1B

Teleflora’s Glorious Morning Bouquet TEV61-7B

6 each roses, 50cm, lavender 2 stems alstroemeria, lavender 2 stems chrysanthemums, button spray, purple 1 stem asters, matsumoto, purple 1 stem carnations, miniature, lavender 1/2 stem waxflower, lavender 1/2 stem statice, sinuata, lavender 1/2 stem parvifolia eucalyptus 1/2 stem pittosporum, variegated 1 serendipity glass vase, lavender, teleflora, 21R120, (7 1/8" h x 4 3/4" w)

Teleflora’s Prettiest Purple Bouquet TEV61-6B


| anytime

3 each roses, 50cm, pink 2 stems roses, spray, yellow 2 stems lilies, asiatic, pink 1 each carnation, light yellow 2 stems chrysanthemums, cushion spray, lavender 1/2 stem bupleurum 1 stem lemon leaf 1 serendipity glass vase, pink, teleflora, 21R110, (7 1/8" h x 4 3/4" w)

Teleflora’s Perfectly Pastel Bouquet TEV13-5B


anytime |

6 each roses, 50cm, pink 1 stem hydrangea, miniature, green 2 stems chrysanthemums, button spray, green 2 stems carnations, miniature, pink 1/2 stem limonium, pink 1/2 stem bupleurum 1/2 stem parvifolia eucalyptus 1/2 stem lemon leaf 1 serendipity glass vase, pink, teleflora, 21R110, (7 1/8" h x 4 3/4" w)

Teleflora’s Breezy Pink Bouquet TEV61-5B


| anytime

2 each roses, 50 cm, dark pink 2 each stock, fuchsia 2 stems delphinium, blue 1 stem chrysanthemums, daisy spray, purple

1/2 stem waxflower, lavender 3 each gerberas, miniature, pink 2 stems carnations, miniature, hot pink 1/2 stem lemon leaf 1/2 stem spiral eucalyptus 1 serendipity glass vase, blue, teleflora, 21R210, (7 1/8" h x 4¾" w x 4¼" opening)

Teleflora’s Jewel Tones Bouquet TEV61-8B


anytime |


Pretty Paradise Bouquet TSD01-1B


| something different

Tahitian Tropics Bouquet TSD02-1B


something different |

Teleflora’s Exotic Grace Bouquet T77-1B

Zen Artistry Bouquet T81-1B


| something different

Imagination Blooms Bouquet T256-1B


something different |

Teleflora’s Island Princess Bouquet T81-2B

Zensational Bouquet T82-2A

Teleflora’s Color Me Cute Bouquet TSD03-1B


| something different


Teleflora’s Hello Sweet Baby Bouquet – Blue TNB07-1B


| new baby

Teleflora’s Welcome Little One Bouquet TNB08-1B

Teleflora’s Sweet Peep Bouquet – Baby Blue TNB04-1B

Teleflora’s Lucky Ducky Bouquet TNB09-1B


new baby |

Teleflora’s Bundle Of Joy Bouquet TNB10-1B

Teleflora’s Sweet Little Ducky Bouquet TNB11-1B

Teleflora’s Hello Sweet Baby Bouquet – Pink TNB06-1B


| new baby

Teleflora’s Sweet Peep Bouquet – Baby Pink TNB04-2B


new baby |

Say Something Sweet Bouquet TRS13-1B


| new baby


Teleflora’s Welcome Beautiful Bouquet TNB12-1B

Blue Horizons Bouquet T12Z113B

Teleflora’s Sweet Little Wagon Bouquet TNB13-1B


new baby |

Teleflora’s Delightful Dots Bouquet T16E305B


| new baby

4 each roses, 50cm, crème 2 stems roses, spray, pink 2 stems alstroemeria, pink 3 stems carnations, miniature, pink 1 stem bupleurum

5 each roses, 50cm, yellow 2 stems alstroemeria, yellow 2 each chrysanthemums, spider, green 1 stem chrysanthemums, button spray, white 1/2 stem statice, sinuata, blue

1 1/2 stems dusty miller 1 stem leatherleaf fern 1/3 block floral foam

1 bundle of love bear, soft pink, teleflora, 20N200, (6 1/2" h x 5 1/2" w 5 1/2" d; 3 1/2" x 2 1/2" open)

1/2 stem bupleurum 1/2 stem dusty miller 1/2 stem huckleberry 2 stems sword fern 1/3 block floral foam

Teleflora’s Joyful Blue Bear Bouquet TNB14-1B

Teleflora’s Precious Pink Bear Bouquet TNB15-1B

1 bundle of love bear, baby blue, teleflora, 20N100, (6 1/2" h x 5 1/2" w 5 1/2" d; 3 1/2" x 2 1/2" open)

Teleflora’s Enchanting Pastels Unicorn Bouquet TNB16-1B

6 each roses, 50cm, light pink 1 stem alstroemeria, purple 2 stems delphinium, light blue 2 stems chrysanthemums, button spray, white 1 stem statice, sinuata, pink

1 stem huckleberry 1/3 block floral foam 1 charmed unicorn keepsake, teleflora, 20N300, (5 1/4" h x 8" l x 3 1/4" w; 3" x 2 1/2" opening)


new baby |

6 each roses, 50cm, pink 1 stem roses, spray, pink

3 each roses, 50cm, light pink 2 stems roses, spray, lavender

1 stem alstroemeria, purple 5 each carnations, lavender 2 each stock, lavender 1 stem statice, sinuata, raspberry 1 stem bupleurum

2 stems alstroemeria, pink 4 each carnations, fuchsia 2 stems larkspur, purple 1 stem chrysanthemums, cushion spray, white 2 stems chrysanthemums, button spray, green 1 stem statice, sinuata, raspberry 1/2 stem pittosporum, variegated 1/3 block floral foam 1 charmed unicorn keepsake, teleflora, 20N300, (5 1/4" h x 8" l x 3 1/4" w; 3" x 2 1/2" opening)

1/2 stem huckleberry 1/3 block floral foam

1 bundle of love bear, soft pink, teleflora, 20N200, (6 1/2" h x 5 1/2" w 5 1/2" d; 3 1/2" x 2 1/2" open)

Teleflora’s Magical Mood Unicorn

Teleflora’s Beautiful Arrival Bear

Bouquet T602-7B

Bouquet T602-6B

5 each roses, 50cm, yellow 1 stem roses, spray, yellow 1 stem lilies, asiatic, white 3 each carnations, green 3 stems delphinium, light blue 1 stem statice, sinuata, blue

Teleflora’s Sunny Cheer Bear

Bouquet T602-5B

1 stem bupleurum 1 stem dusty miller 1/2 stem lemon leaf 1/3 block floral foam 1 bundle of love bear, baby blue, teleflora, 20N100, (6 1/2" h x 5 1/2" w 5 1/2" d; 3 1/2" x 2 1/2" open)


| new baby


Fresh In Fuchsia Boutonniere T203-1A

King’s Red Rose Boutonniere T203-2A

Oh La La Lovely Corsage TPR17-1A

Fancy Orchids And Roses Wristlet T200-2A


| prom

Bold And Blue Boutonniere T203-4A

Green Orchid Boutonniere T202-3A

Blue And White Elegance Corsage T201-4A

Big Night Orchid Corsage T201-6A


prom |

Rose Simplicity Boutonniere T202-6A

White Tie Boutonniere T203-5A

White Whisper Wristlet T200-4A

Sunset Beauty Wristlet T201-2A


| prom

love and romance

love and romance | roses

love and romance


One Of A Kind Love Bouquet by Teleflora T17V205B


| love and romance

Blush Rush Bouquet TEV55-5B

Forever Fuchsia Bouquet TLR01-1B

Blooming Belles Bouquet TLR02-1B


love and romance |

Teleflora’s Sweet Thoughts Bouquet TEV13-7B

Visions Of Love Bouquet TLR03-1B

Rich In Love Bouquet by Teleflora TEV55-7B


| love and romance

Stunning Statement Bouquet TLR04-1B


love and romance |

Teleflora’s Vivid Love Bouquet TEV55-4B

Teleflora’s Pink Reflections Bouquet T52-1B

Hello Beautiful Bouquet TLR05-1B


| love and romance

Lovely Luxe Bouquet TLR06-1B


love and romance |

Beautiful Love Bouquet TLR07-1B


| love and romance

Teleflora’s Endless Lovelies

Teleflora’s Fabulous Flora

Bouquet TLR08-1B

Bouquet TLR09-1B

Teleflora’s Desert Sunrise Bouquet TEV55-6B


love and romance |

Love Struck Bouquet TLR10-1B


| love and romance


Teleflora’s True Romance

Bouquet T400-3B

Teleflora’s Legendary Love Bouquet T17V210B


| roses

Eternal Love Bouquet TRS09-1B


roses |

Teleflora’s Park Avenue Centerpiece T188-1A

Yours Truly Bouquet TRS10-1B


| roses

Joy Of Roses Bouquet TRS11-1B


roses |

Teleflora’s Lavender Splendor Bouquet TEV50-1B


| roses

Hey Gorgeous Bouquet TRS12-1B

Teleflora’s Glorious You Bouquet TEV52-2B

Say Something Sweet Bouquet TRS13-1B


roses |

Teleflora’s Love Medley

Bouquet T400-2B

Queen’s Court Centerpiece by Teleflora T63-1B


| roses

Haute Pink Bouquet TRS14-1B


roses |

Teleflora’s Sunny Day Pitcher Of Roses T71-1B

Blossoms In Vogue Bouquet T74-1B

Say Yellow Bouquet TRS15-1B


| roses



Desert Beauty Succulent Garden TPL01-1A


plants |

Sphere Of Tranquility Terrarium TPL02-1A


| plants

Teleflora’s Peaceful Zen Garden T101-1A

Medium Dish Garden T212-2A

Money Tree T12Z101A


plants |

Stately Croton T106-2A

Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum –

Medium T105-2A

Perfect Chevy Pickup Plant Garden by Teleflora T18F110A


General Motors Trademarks used under license to Teleflora.


| plants

Teleflora’s Bromeliad Beauty T100-1A


plants |

Forever Green Plant Garden TPL03-1A


| plants

Delightful Dieffenbachia T104-2A

Serene Retreat Dish Garden T100-3A

Amazing Arboricola T104-3A


plants |

Teleflora’s Imperial Purple

Teleflora’s Opulent Orchids T98-2A

Orchid T98-1A

Teleflora’s Regally Yours Orchid TPL04-1A


| plants

Glorious Gratitude Orchid TPL05-1A


plants |

Happy Hydrangea – Blue T89-2A

Sunny Cyclamen T91-1A

Pretty In Pink Azalea T91-3A


| plants

Forever Yellow Kalanchoes TPL06-1A


plants |

Violets And Butterflies Basket T92-3A

Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket T93-1A

Secret Garden Basket T96-2A


| plants

Teleflora’s Peaceful Unicorn Pothos Plant TPL07-1A

1 each pothos, green, 4" pot 1 charmed unicorn keepsake, teleflora, 20N300, (5 1/4" h x 8" l x 3 1/4" w; 3" x 2 1/2" opening)

1 each pothos, green, 4" pot 1 mid mod geometric planter, teleflora, 20N400, (6 1/2" h x 6 1/4" w (includes stand); 4 1/4" openi)

Teleflora’s Lush Leaves Pothos Plant TPL08-1A


plants |

1 sansevieria, variegated, 6" pot 1 mid mod geometric planter, teleflora, 20N400, (6 1/2" h x 6 1/4" w (includes stand); 4 1/4" openi)

1 each orchid, phalaenopsis, purple, 4" pot 1 cup sheet moss 1 mid mod geometric planter, teleflora, 20N400, (6 1/2" h x 6 1/4" w (includes stand); 4 1/4" openi)

Teleflora’s Growing Art Sansevieria Plant TPL09-1A

Teleflora’s Architectural Orchid Plant TPL10-1A

1 sansevieria, variegated, 4" pot 1 succulent, echeveria, large, green, 4" pot 1 succulent, haworthia zebra, 4" pot 1 succulent, sedum, green, 4" pot 1/2 cup, river rocks, small, natural 1 mid mod geometric planter, teleflora, 20N400, (6 1/2" h x 6 1/4" w (includes stand); 4 1/4" openi)

Teleflora’s Modern Mood Succulent Garden TPL11-1A


| plants

1 zanzibar gem, 4" pot 1/4 cup, river rocks, small, white 1/4 cup sheet moss 1 mid mod geometric planter, teleflora, 20N400, (6 1/2" h x 6 1/4" w (includes stand); 4 1/4" openi)

Teleflora’s Luxe Leaves Plant TPL12-1A


plants |

1 spathacea, 4" pot 1 cup, river rocks, small, white 1 polished gem cylinder, purple amethyst, teleflora, 20N500, (5" h x 5" w)

Teleflora’s Leaves of Amethyst Plant TPL16-1A


| plants

1 each kalanchoe, yellow, 4" pot 1 polished gem cylinder, blue sapphire, teleflora, 20N800, (5" h x 5" w)

Teleflora’s Golden Morning Plant TPL18-1A

1 each kalanchoe, hot pink, 4" pot 1 polished gem cylinder, blue topaz, teleflora, 20N600, (5" h x 5" w)

Teleflora’s Shimmering Aqua Plant TPL17-1A


plants |

2 each cacti, 3" pot 2 cacti, 2" pot 1/4 cup, river rocks, small, white 1 shine in style cylinder, teleflora, 21M300, (4 3/4" h x 4 1/2" w; 4 /14" opening)

Teleflora’s Iridescent Oasis Garden TPL21-1A


| plants

1 each nephthytis, green, 4" pot 1/4 cup, river rocks, small, white 1 color frost art glass cylinder, orchid, teleflora, 19R400, (4 1/2" h x 4 1/2" w)

1 jade plant, 4" pot 1 color frost art glass cylinder, blue skies, teleflora, 19R300, (4 1/2" h x 4 1/2" w) 1/4 cup, river rocks, small, white

Teleflora’s Lavender Frost Plant TPL14-1A

Teleflora’s Sky Glass Jade Plant TPL13-1A

1 aluminum (pilea cadierei), 4" 1/4 cup, river rocks, small, white 1 color frost art glass cylinder, seaside, teleflora, 19R500, (4 1/2" h x 4 1/2" w)

Teleflora’s Seaside Mist Plant TPL15-1A


plants |

1 each kalanchoe, pink, 4" pot 1 marvelous mosaic cylinder, teleflora, 20S100, (4 1/2" h x 4 1/2" w)

Teleflora’s Memorable Mosaic Plant TPL20-1A

1 each schefflera, green, 4" pot 1/4 cup, river rocks, small, white 1 marvelous mosaic cylinder, teleflora, 20S100, (4 1/2" h x 4 1/2" w)

Teleflora’s Leaves of Glass Plant TPL19-1A


| plants


winter | spring | summer | fall



Teleflora’s Wondrous Winter Bouquet T17V220B


| winter

Teleflora’s Silver Noël Bouquet T406-1B

Caroling In The Snow Bouquet by Teleflora TWR06-1B

Luminous Lilies Centerpiece T128-3B


winter |

Teleflora’s Timeless Cheer Bouquet TWR10-1B

Teleflora’s Snowy Night

Bouquet T407-2B

Let It Snow Bouquet T128-1B


| winter

Jolly Candy Cane Bouquet TWR15-1B


winter |

Merry Christmas Cactus T123-3A

Deck The Halls Tree T134-1B

Holiday Glow Centerpiece T115-3B


| winter

Teleflora’s Festive Pines Bouquet TWR14-4B


winter |

Holiday Homecoming Basket T123-2A

Red Poinsettia T122-1A

Berries And Spice Basket T120-1B


| winter

Teleflora’s Holiday Shine Bouquet TWR14-5B


winter |

Teleflora’s Shining Bright Centerpiece TWR15-2B


| winter

All Is Bright Centerpiece T114-1B

Christmas Wishes Centerpiece T127-1B

Teleflora’s Merry And Bright

Bouquet T125-1B


winter |

Winter Blooms Centerpiece TWR14-6B


| winter

Teleflora’s Merry Amaryllis T116-1A

White Poinsettia T122-2A

Tulips And Pine Bouquet T12Z114B


winter |

Teleflora’s Silver And Gold Centerpiece TWR09-1B

Teleflora’s Winter Glow

Bouquet T133-1B

Royal Christmas Centerpiece T131-3B


| winter

Teleflora’s Winter Wilds Centerpiece TWR14-3B


winter |

Teleflora’s Winter Pop Bouquet TWR14-1B


| winter

Celebration Tree T131-2B

Teleflora’s Shimmering White

Bouquet T407-1B

Silver Elegance Centerpiece T132-1B


winter |

Classic Holiday Wreath T129-1B

Glitter And Gold Wreath T130-1B


| winter

Rustic Holiday Wreath TWR15-3B 


winter |

Teleflora’s Snowy Woods Bouquet TWR14-2B


| winter


Teleflora’s Pretty And Posh

Bouquet TSP01-1B


| spring

Teleflora’s Pop Of Fun Bouquet TEV45-3B

Teleflora’s Golden Laughter Bouquet TEV46-1B

Springtime’s Here Bouquet TSP02-1B


spring |

Precious Pink Tulips Bouquet T11Z106B

Sunny Yellow Tulips Bouquet T140-1B

Passionate Purple Tulips Bouquet T148-2B


| spring

Teleflora’s Tulip Treasure

Bouquet T142-1B


spring |

Teleflora’s Pretty Teatime

Bouquet T602-4B


| spring

Goodness And Light Bouquet TSP03-1B

Teleflora’s Fresh And Fabulous

Bouquet TSP04-1B

Teleflora’s Playful Springtime Daffodil

Bouquet TSP05-1B


spring |

New Sensations Bouquet T82-3B

Teleflora’s Glorious You Bouquet TEV52-2B

Teleflora’s Pretty In Peony

Bouquet T145-2B


| spring

Serene Spring Peony Bouquet TSP06-1B


spring |

Teleflora’s Fresh Flourish Bouquet TEV40-2B

Teleflora’s Lavender Splendor Bouquet TEV50-1B

Pop Of Springtime Bouquet TSP07-1B


| spring

Teleflora’s Painterly Pastels

Bouquet TSP08-1B


spring |

Teleflora’s Lavished In Lilies

Bouquet T601-5B


| spring

Teleflora’s Rhapsody In Purple Bouquet T51-1B

Teleflora’s Pleasing Purple Bouquet TEV45-1B

Teleflora’s Purple Elegance Centerpiece T197-1A


spring |

Teleflora’s Pretty Pastel Bouquet TSP09-1B

Dressed To Impress Bouquet TEV42-4B

Teleflora’s Steal The Spotlight

Bouquet T601-8B


| spring

Teleflora’s Garden Rhapsody Centerpiece T191-3A


spring |

Teleflora’s Grace And Majesty Bouquet T11E405B


| spring

Teleflora’s Sacred Grace

Teleflora’s Bright Life Bouquet T278-2B

Bouquet TSP10-1B

Easter Lily Plant T12Z106A


spring |

Teleflora’s Floral Spring Iris

Bouquet TSP11-1B


| spring


Nature’s Best Bouquet by Teleflora TSU01-1B


| summer

Teleflora’s Modern Blush

America The Beautiful Bouquet by Teleflora T163-2B

Bouquet T600-4B

Lavender Charm Bouquet TEV42-3B


summer |

Make Her Day Bouquet by Teleflora TEV20-3B

End Of The Rainbow Bouquet T157-2B

Teleflora’s In Love With Lime Bouquet TEV44-1B


| summer

Teleflora’s Turn Up The Pink Bouquet TEV33-1B


summer |

Teleflora’s Pretty Perfect Bouquet TSU02-1B


| summer

Teleflora’s Uniquely Chic Bouquet T47-3B

Citrus Kissed Bouquet T157-1B


summer |

You’re Golden Bouquet by Teleflora TEV32-1B

Pure Happiness Bouquet T171-1B

Teleflora’s Sunny Sunflowers

Bouquet T152-2B


| summer

Teleflora’s Burst Of Sunshine Bouquet TSU03-1B


summer |

Teleflora’s You Make Me Smile

Bouquet T600-1B


| summer

Teleflora’s Sunny Mood Bouquet TEV43-2B

Teleflora’s Sweetest Sunrise

Bouquet T403-3B

Your Sweet Smile Bouquet by Teleflora TEV11-1B


summer |

Teleflora’s Soft Reflections

Bouquet T600-3B


| summer


Teleflora’s Fall Fantasia

Teleflora’s Harvest Splendor

Bouquet T167-1B

Bouquet TFL07-1B

Family Gathering Centerpiece T169-1B


| fall

Teleflora’s Harvest Shimmer Centerpiece TFL10-1B


fall |

Teleflora’s Beautiful Harvest Centerpiece  TFL11-1B


| fall

Teleflora’s Elegant Traditions Centerpiece TFL04-3B

Teleflora’s Fall Brights Bouquet TFL06-2B

Bejeweled Beauty Bouquet by Teleflora TEV19-1B


fall |

Teleflora’s Seasonal Sophistication

Bouquet TFL10-2B


| fall

Teleflora’s Fall Chic Bouquet TFL10-3B


fall |

You’re Golden Bouquet by Teleflora TEV32-1B

Classic Cornucopia T168-3B

Sunflower Centerpiece T170-1B


| fall

Teleflora’s Hello Autumn

Bouquet TFL11-2B


fall |

Teleflora’s Spooky Sweet

Teleflora’s Country Pumpkin

Bouquet T176-2B

Bouquet T175-1B

Golden Glow Bouquet T174-1B


| fall

Teleflora’s Trick And Treat Bouquet T12H100B


fall |

Teleflora’s Citrus Smiles Bouquet TEV43-3B

Teleflora’s Fall Bamboo Garden TFL09-1B


| fall



As you look through the bouquets in this Floral Selection Guide, you may come across a flower you can’t identify. In this glossary, you’ll find virtually every flower used in the Guide, both pictured and listed alphabetically by common name. getting to know flowers

alstroemeria year-round

amaryllis october – april

anemone november – may

anthurium year-round

baby’s breath year-round

bells of ireland year-round

bird of paradise year-round

bupleurum year-round

calla lily year-round

carnation, miniature year-round

carnation, standard year-round

chrysanthemum, button spray year-round


reference |

chrysanthemum, cushion spray year-round

chrysanthemum, daisy spray year-round

chrysanthemum, football year-round

chrysanthemum, fuji year-round

coxcomb july – september

daffodil december – april

dahlia june – october

delphinium year-round

dianthus, green trick year-round

freesia year-round

gardenia year-round

gerbera, standard year-round

ginger year-round

gladiolus year-round

heather year-round

heliconia, upright year-round

hyacinth december – may

hydrangea year-round

iris year-round

kangaroo paw year-round

hypericum year-round


| reference

larkspur year-round

leucadendron october – march

liatris year-round

lilac december – june

lily, asiatic year-round

lily, gloriosa february – december

lily, l.a. hybrid year-round

lily, oriental year-round

lily, stargazer year-round

limonium year-round

matsumoto aster year-round

monte cassino aster year-round

orchid, cymbidium year-round

lisianthus year-round

narcissus year-round

orchid, dendrobium year-round

orchid, mokara year-round

orchid, oncidium year-round

orchid, phalaenopsis year-round

peony april – june


reference |

protea, king year-round

protea, pink mink year-round

protea, pin cushion march – september

pussy willow january – april

queen anne’s lace year-round

ranunculus february – may

rose year-round

rose, spray year-round

snapdragon year-round

solidago year-round

statice year-round

stephanotis january – november

stock year-round

sunflower year-round

sweet pea march – july

sweet william year-round

tulip year-round

viburnum january – april

waxflower year-round

yarrow july – november


| reference

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